Changing the Economics of Hybrid Cloud at AWS re:Invent 2017

Changing the Economics of Hybrid Cloud at AWS re:Invent 2017

We are excited to be participating in AWS re:Invent 2017, the largest global conference focused on cloud computing. As a company, if you’re thinking of, or already have embarked on a cloud initiative, this is a must attend event.

From Backup to Analytics – Hybrid Cloud Redefined

Companies of all sizes are being faced with the explosion of data and are struggling on how to effectively manage it and extract value from it. This has been one of the key drivers of the great migration to the cloud. As traditional File, Block, SAN and NAS environments cannot cost effectively scale with this rapid data growth, nor are they architected to support unstructured data, companies are looking at object storage and cloud to provide a viable solution.

Object storage is the backbone of all major cloud providers and allows scalability, data durability and resiliency not achievable with traditional RAID architectures. Object is the language of the Cloud and S3 / Object APIs are becoming the norm. Customizable metadata and search capabilities enhance data value.

New hybrid workflows, leveraging object storage on premises with public cloud resources, are changing the economics of data for analytics and backup workloads. At re:Invent we’ll be showcasing how our HGST ActiveScale™ object storage system enables hybrid workflows that can greatly simplify backup environments while increasing storage efficiency to deliver dramatic savings.

An Ecosystem to Power Your Hybrid Cloud Strategy – Booth #127

We have a built a deep ecosystem of vertically integrated Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) that can help companies determine their appropriate cloud strategy and improve hybrid workflow data management. At AWS re:Invent 2017 several key ISVs will join us in our booth #127, including:

  • StorReduceRethink Your Backup Strategy: StorReduce is the only deduplication engine built for cloud object storage. StorReduce is designed to meet the unique requirements of companies using public, private or hybrid cloud storage for large volumes of data. StorReduce sits between your applications and cloud storage, transparently deduplicating data inline at speeds of up to 1400 MB/s per server, reducing storage costs, speeding up the time for transfer between clouds and freeing your data for use in the cloud via standard cloud APIs. Learn how StorReduce + HGST’s ActiveScale + AWS™ can replace traditional backup appliances, saving you 70%+.
  • Primary Data – Intelligently Automate Data Management: Primary Data’s DataSphere gives petabyte-scale enterprises the ability to respond automatically to the demands of their applications and data. Whether IT needs to optimize performance, simplify data migrations, save budget, or simplify adoption of new technologies like the cloud, DataSphere makes it simple to set objectives and automate data management across existing and new storage resources.
  • Elastifile™enjoy a data anywhere strategy: As a cloud-scale distributed file system, on-premises and in-cloud, Elastifile’s data fabric is seamlessly accessible from anywhere in the world, allowing users to integrate and collaborate with the data as if it’s stored locally. With flash-native, scale-out performance, every workload’s data is now available to use without needing to ask for it, wait for it, or copy it across the network.

Join Us at AWS re:Invent 2017

Our expertise in manufacturing up the stack, starting at the hard disk drive components, delivers you with industry leading reliability, significant cost efficiencies to help enable a data forever architecture.

Be sure to stop by the Venetian/Sands Expo Hall, Booth #127 to learn more about how HGST ActiveScale system, paired with AWS and our ISV partners, can help your data thrive while saving you and your company money.

I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!

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