
Game Day with Sports Photographer Terrell Lloyd 

Game Day with Sports Photographer Terrell Lloyd 

Terrell Lloyd, director of photography for the San Francisco 49ers American football team, knows how to capture data—to the tune of 15,000-20,000 images per game day. He’s now in his 27th season shooting photos of the NFL team.  And while photography was not his first career, it was always his passion.   When Lloyd had a […]

July 9, 2024 • 7 min read People

What’s Your Create: How Technology Frees Musician Eric Ventimiglia

What’s Your Create: How Technology Frees Musician Eric Ventimiglia

Eric Ventimiglia discusses how technology helped grow his garage band into a well-known name in the Bay Area. Eric Ventimiglia finally settles in after troubleshooting a mic problem. His hair is jet-black and neatly combed back. A lip piercing is the only hint of his punk roots. He is, in fact, the lead singer and […]

August 3, 2023 • 5 min read People

Lucas Gilman, Adventure Photographer: Capturing the Extremes

Lucas Gilman, Adventure Photographer: Capturing the Extremes

Lucas Gilman lives on the edge. A world-renowned adventure photographer and filmmaker, he spends nearly 180 days a year traveling the globe. Whether he’s strapped to a helicopter filming surfers, hanging upside-down atop a waterfall to document a kayaker’s descent, or nearly kidnapped in the jungle, Gilman captures once-in-a-lifetime moments. “The things that I shoot […]

June 6, 2023 • 7 min read People

The Project That Never Sleeps

The Project That Never Sleeps

It started with a photo of the sun rising over NYC. Now photographer Joseph DiGiovanna's project will capture the city over 30 years.

December 14, 2020 • 6 min read Technology