Big Data and Precision Medicine – Can We Quantify Human Health?

Big Data and Precision Medicine – Can We Quantify Human Health?

Using Big Data to Practice Medicine

At the intersection of technology and medicine, you’ll find Dexter Hadley – an engineer and a doctor, who heads the Hadley Lab – a big data laboratory at UCSF that develops state-of-the-art data-driven models of clinical intelligence to fight disease and promote health.

In a recent interview, Hadley spoke about the continued renaissance of medicine that started with the initial sequencing of the human genome. In his view, genomics allow us to quantify our molecular self, but the future is in leveraging all the technology at our fingertips today to better quantify our physical self.

Billions of Devices

One of the biggest technology enablers of personalized healthcare is IoT. Most of us are already tracking some element of our health via our phones or wearable device.

IDC predicts that by 2020 over 30 billion end point devices will be connected with the Internet! The rapid growth in devices, sensors, video, audio and intelligenet devices, along regulatory changes, are fueling data growth and require a change in storage strategies.

IDC’s Amita Potnis discusses the changes in enterprise storage infrastructure strategy and evaluation criteria:

A New Scale for Life Sciences Data

Just last month, Bio-IT World took place in Boston, one of the largest life sciences events in the world. It was a great event that shed light on the challenges and the opportunities ahead for IT, informatics applications and enabling technologies that drive biomedical research, drug discovery & development, and clinical and healthcare initiatives.

The creation of research data and data generated by instrumentation is exploding and forcing a new scale for data, data storage, and computation. As such, organizations are in need of employing new technologies that can handle Big Data scale, at lower costs. We sat down with Paul F. Mazzola Jr., Principal Solution Architect at OnX Enterprise Solutions, to learn about the storage challenges impacting organizations in the field of biomedical research, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

Read the interview about three technologies that are helping researchers manage the flood of data.