SQL Server 2016 and SanDisk® – the #DataDriven Channel Opportunity

SQL Server 2016 and SanDisk® – the #DataDriven Channel Opportunity

On March 10, Microsoft launched SQL Server 2016. The New York City #DataDriven event, streamed worldwide, was impressive. There were many takeaways from the event, but I’m particularly drawn to statements that inspire the imagination. Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, provided this: “Data is the new electricity.” I loved this analogy and he’s right. Intelligent data will power a business transformation unlike anything we’ve seen thus far, and SQL Server 2016 will play a significant role in this change. It’s not just an impressive new database – it’s a re-imagined, expanded, innovative data platform that unlocks and transforms data into intelligence, insights, and action.

[Tweet “Data is the new electricity! Here’s why #SQLserver 2016 is a great channel opportunity”]

Data Drives Business – The Channel Opportunity to Help Customers Get There

Organizations – large and small – who embrace this data-driven economy will enable employees and customers to make connections like never before. Data-driven connections empower us to take data and convert it into better judgments, better decisions, and better intelligence. In short, better business through a data platform that offers “mission-critical intelligence.”

The potential business outcomes are exciting, more so is the channel opportunity to help customers get there. At SanDisk®, we work with Microsoft (and have been for years) to deliver a data platform – SQL Server 2016 on SanDisk flash – that maximizes mission-critical intelligence in the most economical, highest performing environment.

It’s an incredible offering that will change businesses’ data-centric compute environment and you have the opportunity to bring this change to your customers.

How to Transform Your Customers’ Data Platform and Costs

In a blog last week, The March to the Launch of SQL Server 2016 Begins Today, Peter Plamondon (@peterpla) highlighted new SQL Server 2016 capabilities that businesses would benefit from. If you haven’t read Peter’s post, I encourage you to do so.

Here’s where the combined Microsoft and SanDisk solution gets really interesting. Yes, SanDisk flash provides mind-blowing performance…but it’s more than that. The economic story is beyond compelling, your customers need to hear it. Here are just two data points on the impact you can deliver to your customers when deploying SQL Server with SanDisk flash solutions:

  • Run up to 3x more workloads on the same host, while making no changes to the workloads or existing storage configuration.*
  • Significantly reduce SQL Server license spend, enabling customers to redirect that budget to higher-value services.

[Tweet “Yes, flash is speed, but its economic story is beyond compelling! #datadriven #SQLserver “]

Give your customers mission-critical intelligence, harnessing data as they never have before. Implementing SQL Server 2016 with SanDisk flash changes everything. It’s time to ensure your customers are implementing a flash-based SQL Server platform to achieve maximum performance, greater capacity, and high availability with reduced operational costs.

Join our Channel Briefing: Flash Forward with SQL Server 2016

To learn more about this opportunity including additional data points, SanDisk and Synnex are delivering three channel-specific webinars to highlight the customer value and partner opportunity of SQL Server 2016 and SanDisk flash. Join us on any of these webinars:

Your customers will be glad you did and so will you.

I look forward to seeing you there!

* Preliminary results from joint testing by DB Best Technologies and SanDisk. Full results will be published in an upcoming white paper.

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