Scholarships for STEM Around the Globe Available to Students

Scholarships for STEM Around the Globe Available to Students

Western Digital is offering scholarships for students pursuing an undergraduate STEM degree.

Western Digital STEM scholarships

We at Western Digital believe in developing people to drive positive change through technology. This includes highlighting how data impacts our society, empowering our employees, and supporting the aspirations of future scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians.

Financial support can be a significant barrier to achieving a degree. However, it should not become a burden for those who have set themselves on the course to achieve their dreams. We stand behind students and are taking an active role in addressing financial support for undergraduate education.

Whether you are studying in the United States, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, or Thailand, you could receive a Western Digital scholarship towards your degree. Last year, over 175 students around the globe received a scholarship to support their educational endeavors (see their words of appreciation below).

If you are a college student pursuing a STEM major or know someone who is, visit to apply and learn more about our scholarships. Be sure to submit your application by Wednesday, April 3 at 11:59 pm PT.

Start your application today!

From our Partners

 The Western Digital Scholarship Program is a donor-involved scholarship fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF). Through SVCF we partner with key organizations like, International Scholarship and Tuition Services (ISTS) and ATIDIM to identify students fitting our applicant profile, process applications, award scholarships and provide support services to scholarship recipients.

From our 2018 STEM Scholarship Awardees

Western Digital STEM scholarships

十分谢你们设立了这个奖学金,更感谢你们将这个奖学金颁给了我。这不仅仅是对我过去一年学习生活的肯定,更是对我以后学习生活的一种激励和动力。我会不断努力,日后为国家做出贡献。(Thank you very much for establishing this scholarship, and thank you for awarding this scholarship to me. This is not only an affirmation of my studies in the past year, but also an incentive and motivation for my future studies.)

Engineering Management Major (China)

“With limited words I want to express a mountain of gratitude. I received notice of the award right in the troubling circumstances of trying to close a considerable financial aid gap. To me this support is not only financial, but also emotional as it comes with the message that someone else supports my dreams, my hard work to achieve everything I want in life. As the only person to graduate high school and attend college in my family, my journey has been scary and quite exciting, so I say thank you for helping make it more of the latter.”

Chemical Engineering Major (United States) 

“By bestowing me the scholarship, you have lightened my economic burden which permits me to aim more on the most important facet of school, discovering. Your generosity has motivated me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be adept to help students achieve their aims just as you have helped me.”

Electronics Engineering Major (India)

“I want take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the Western Digital Scholarship and to the people working behind this organization. Thank you for giving me this chance to proceed in life and to give me another reason to pursue my dreams.”

Civil Engineering Major (Philippines)

“…It is a confirmation from you for my efforts on the road of learning computer science. More importantly, it is a tremendous encouragement to a disabled veteran seeking an independent living. Please take the appreciation from an Army veteran. THANK YOU, Western Digital!”

Computer and Information Sciences Major (United States)