Supply chain

Mahek Naresh Oberai: Reshaping Global Supply Planning 

Mahek Naresh Oberai: Reshaping Global Supply Planning 

Born in Mumbai as the middle child of three, there was always plenty for Mahek Naresh Oberai to learn. Her siblings had a wide set of interests, and her mother was a serial entrepreneur, starting several small businesses selling consumer goods. Oberai soaked up the knowledge eagerly.  “Looking back, I remember being curious about how […]

December 5, 2023 • 5 min read People

Net-Zero Supply Chain  

Net-Zero Supply Chain  

The global supply chain accounts for some 80% of global emissions, according to the World Economic Forum. Raw materials, agricultural products, and high-end consumer goods crisscross the globe, so every kilogram of C02 saved is a win for climate action.  While it’s exciting to imagine a Solarpunk future of green hydrogen tankers and electric aircraft, […]

October 3, 2023 • 6 min read Data

From Floor to Door: Barcodes Are Running Our World

From Floor to Door: Barcodes Are Running Our World

When a baby is born in a hospital, one of the first things they’ll receive is a barcode. It may not be the most poignant gift for the profound experience of birth, but barcodes help ensure a baby is matched to the right mother. They link lab results to a patient’s record. And they are […]

March 14, 2023 • 7 min read Technology