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Data Lives Everywhere

Data Lives Everywhere

What do the medical imaging devices and pinball machines have in common? They both have local storage requirements. From 3D images of my own pearly whites or just the high score of the latest Pinball Wizard, more and more devices are relying on solid state drives to safeguard their most important local data. In fact, […]

July 12, 2016 • 3 min read Data

Rock Climbing with the HTC 10

Rock Climbing with the HTC 10

In April 2016, HTC launched their new flagship smartphone, the HTC 10. This built upon much of what they had done before, but included a major upgrade in the imaging performance, sufficient for it to become the second SanDisk-EPIC Certified smartphone. Sitting at the top of the HTC smartphone line, the HTC 10 packs in […]

July 6, 2016 • 3 min read Data

3 Steps to Modernize Your Oracle Data Center

3 Steps to Modernize Your Oracle Data Center

Running Oracle in your data center often presents storage challenges. Frustratingly, solving one challenge often leaves you dealing with another. Here are three steps to help you modernize your infrastructure with flash to achieve better performance and scale while saving on costs.

June 30, 2016 • 5 min read Data

My Perfect Smart Home…Ideally Wouldn’t Kill Me

My Perfect Smart Home…Ideally Wouldn’t Kill Me

Terminator. The Matrix. i, Robot. 2001: A Space Odyssey. Elysium. Minority Report. The Stepford Wives. Blade Runner. The list goes on and on and on with how we as humans literally create some form of A.I. that is either controlled by us or has some form of sentience – either way the A.I. finds a […]

June 28, 2016 • 5 min read Data

SanDisk® at Red Hat Summit

SanDisk® at Red Hat Summit

A partner ecosystem and best-in-class solutions - come see SanDisk and Western Digital in Booth #529A!

June 23, 2016 • 3 min read Data

Is Flash the Future? 11 Essential Truths from Flash Forward

Is Flash the Future? 11 Essential Truths from Flash Forward

Last week I had the chance to speak on a panel at the Flash Forward event in London. With so many analysts and vendors, I too was skeptic about how much of the discussion would actually go beyond the common ‘Flash is great. Flash is fast’ mantra. But here’s the thing – for most of our […]

June 21, 2016 • 6 min read Data