With the rise of Industry 4.0 Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications, storage is being approached in a new light. In the past, storage may have been acquired based on capacity needs or price alone. Yet today’s autonomous applications, and use cases, call for other considerations. As developers think about the unique environments of their industrial applications, they need to include storage early in the process so it can be optimized for the IIoT ecosystem. This is an important change in thinking for IIoT design.

WEBINAR: Indispensable – Understanding Storage for the Industrial Internet of Things

The infographic below shares some of the considerations you should take when thinking of storage for IIoT use cases. Whether it’s a robotic arm in a factory or a drone monitoring agricultural fields, these machines operate under very different conditions, and will require the right storage solution to optimally handle the deluge of data they will generate, process, and consume.
The industrial data landscape is changing rapidly. As more industrial applications are trained to apply AI and ML algorithms to get real-time actionable insights, the need for versatile and durable storage solutions will continue to increase. To keep up, solution architects should have storage as a central focus when designing industrial applications with proactive planning.
The bottom line is that not all storage devices are created equal. If you want to learn more about the variety of storage solutions and how to better plan your IIoT storage strategy, join me or stream my webinar Indispensable – Understanding Storage for the Industrial Internet of Things.
Download a PDF of our infographic here.
Learn more about our IIoT solutions here.