
Behind the Scenes of Volumetric Capture

Behind the Scenes of Volumetric Capture

Imagine being transported (virtually) to a dream vacation spot or practicing your golf swing alongside your idol. Volumetric capture is making such immersive experiences a reality. From sports and entertainment to police and medical training, Metastage is a leader in bringing data to life with its 106-camera studio and volumetric capture technology. (Learn more in Part […]

June 24, 2022 • 6 min read Data

5G Turbo Speeds? We First Need to Remove the Bottlenecks

5G Turbo Speeds? We First Need to Remove the Bottlenecks

We need to make sure that hardware will not be a limiter of 5G capabilities. That’s why we’re taking high speed storage to the next level. With the iNAND MC EU521, we’re giving mobile device equipment manufacturers a 5G market-ready solution.

February 18, 2020 • 6 min read Data

Edge Computing: 5 Design Considerations

Edge Computing: 5 Design Considerations

In the past five years, the amount of data being generated, consumed, transferred, and stored was massive. 5G is expected to bring an unforeseen level of network abilities and data transfer rates that will set the stage for even more advanced and novel applications to have everything more connected, in real time, all the time. […]

May 23, 2019 • 6 min read Data

5G — Where Are We and What’s Next?

5G — Where Are We and What’s Next?

5G turns a new blank page for the bold and the capable ones to launch new products, unveil novel use cases, and drive innovative applications with the newfound capabilities of high speed and low latency.

April 24, 2019 • 6 min read People

Top 8 Mobile Market and Technology Trends

Top 8 Mobile Market and Technology Trends

Although saturation concerns exist, we’re shortly before the next revolution of the mobile computing experience. Here’s a look at the top 8 developments shaping mobile technology and its future trends.

February 27, 2019 • 6 min read Data

How Edge Computing is Redefining Cloud Technologies

How Edge Computing is Redefining Cloud Technologies

Christopher Bergey, Senior VP of Devices Products at Western Digital, spoke at Compuforum 2018 on “Edge Computing – The Future of Memory and Cloud” on June 6th in Taipei. This is the fifth year Western Digital has been invited by Trendforce to share thoughts on market trends and outlooks with nearly 300 attendees. This year’s […]

June 21, 2018 • 7 min read Data

Top 7 Trends at Mobile World Congress 2018

Top 7 Trends at Mobile World Congress 2018

“5G”, “ecosystem”, “edge compute”, “NOW!” As I walked the halls of Mobile World Congress 2018, these were among the most common words vendors used to attract attention to their booths. (There were also some more surprising themes, like “the Internet of Cows” which I’ll explain…) But they all represent deeper messages and the top trends […]

March 16, 2018 • 6 min read Data