
What Dark Data Can Teach Us About Healthcare

What Dark Data Can Teach Us About Healthcare

From the advent of IoT wearables to fitness tracking devices, to the introduction of high-resolution imaging and on-demand digital patient information – healthcare has been undergoing dramatic digital disruption with a staggering growth and diversity of data. With the recent release of the white paper “Value of Data: Embracing Dark Data” we interviewed two of […]

December 5, 2018 • 6 min read Technology

Why We Love Big Data

Why We Love Big Data

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I have to profess my love for Big Data and the possibilities it opens for making this world a better one.

February 12, 2016 • 4 min read Data

Flash Transforming Healthcare IT

Flash Transforming Healthcare IT

When we imagine what our healthcare services will look like in the future, we foresee a data-driven, mobile revolution, where we, and our medical caretakers, can receive instantaneous examination results, where complex scans deliver images on the spot, and analytics take our medical history and deliver insights to patterns or possible risks. But as the […]

August 21, 2014 • 5 min read Data