
Beyond the Stratosphere: Computing in Orbit

Beyond the Stratosphere: Computing in Orbit

The new space age promises a not-so-distant future where humans explore and leverage space’s vast resources. But one doesn’t have to envision robots building data centers on the moon (check out Part I in this series) or the human colonization of Mars. Many space applications are more of an axiomatic evolution of what’s already happening […]

February 8, 2023 • 6 min read Technology

Building a Data Center on the Moon

Building a Data Center on the Moon

If you haven’t been following the New Space Age closely, the next few decades may knock your socks off. Anticipated is a permanent presence on the moon, a commercial space station, private citizens traveling to orbit, space-based medical treatments, deep space travel, and a flurry of activity involving mining, producing, and exploiting space resources.  No one can […]

February 2, 2023 • 5 min read Technology

Black Holes: Photographing the Universe’s Greatest Mystery

Black Holes: Photographing the Universe’s Greatest Mystery

Since 2015, Western Digital has been supporting the Event Horizon Telescope, a groundbreaking virtual telescope observing and imaging black holes. Almost every image we’ve seen of a black hole isn’t an image at all. It is an illustration of what we think black holes look like, based on mathematical theory and fairly recent evidence that […]

August 2, 2022 • 8 min read Data

Data Storage in Space: a Cosmic Challenge

Data Storage in Space: a Cosmic Challenge

This is part one of a three-part series about data storage in the new space age. Design by Aisha Alkinaey. Space is austere. It’s an airless vacuum. Temperatures can swing from hundreds of degrees near the sun to so cold that atomic motion slows to a crawl. For engineers and scientists designing satellites and other spacecraft, […]

October 4, 2021 • 6 min read Technology