Storage Class Memory

Beyond the Stratosphere: Computing in Orbit

Beyond the Stratosphere: Computing in Orbit

The new space age promises a not-so-distant future where humans explore and leverage space’s vast resources. But one doesn’t have to envision robots building data centers on the moon (check out Part I in this series) or the human colonization of Mars. Many space applications are more of an axiomatic evolution of what’s already happening […]

February 8, 2023 • 6 min read Technology

A New Breakthrough for Main Memory Scale-Out

A New Breakthrough for Main Memory Scale-Out

Western Digital presented a breakthrough solution at the P4 European Workshop (P4EU) in Cambridge, demonstrating an in-network high-performance fault tolerant solution for distributed in-memory compute, at latencies that are orders-of-magnitude lower than any currently existing solution.

September 23, 2018 • 3 min read Data

Storage Class Memory Innovation at SC16

Storage Class Memory Innovation at SC16

At SC16, Western Digital is showcasing the latest innovation in Storage Class Memory, a prototype memory controller incorporating SCM into the memory hierarchy.

November 17, 2016 • 2 min read Data