Connected Home

6 Ways USB-based Dongles are Changing the Satellite TV Experience

6 Ways USB-based Dongles are Changing the Satellite TV Experience

Video on demand (VoD), delivered via broadband cable or fiber connection, is not yet available in many parts of the world. In parts of APAC, Africa or even in some locations in the Western hemisphere where only satellite TV is available, subscribers can only view what is streaming at that moment from the satellite. In […]

May 15, 2018 • 4 min read Data

What’s the Future of Tech Devices? A Look Back at 2017 and Ahead to 2018

What’s the Future of Tech Devices? A Look Back at 2017 and Ahead to 2018

Tracking the developments in tech devices is a fun, but often exhausting, exercise. Changes happen so rapidly that it’s hard for anybody to know them all— even if, like me, that’s essentially your job. But the effort required to dig in and discover all the amazing new capabilities of cool new tech gadgets, apps and […]

November 15, 2017 • 6 min read Data

Leveraging Edge Storage for a Successful Cloud DVR Deployment

Leveraging Edge Storage for a Successful Cloud DVR Deployment

In previous blogs Nadav Neufeld described the role of Flash in Cloud DVR deployments in Connected Home use cases such as Pause Live TV. This blog digs deep into how data stored at the edge can greatly improve the user experience when adopting cloud DVR technology. The Value of High Endurance Flash The successful delivery […]

October 17, 2017 • 7 min read Data

The Little USB That Could

The Little USB That Could

Pay-TV providers are increasingly leveraging high endurance USB drives to improve TV user experience and introduce new features across multiple geographies. What are the possibilities of the USB form factor for advancing TV technology in the connected home?

September 14, 2017 • 4 min read Data

Give the Connected Home an Edge with NAND Flash

Give the Connected Home an Edge with NAND Flash

TV watching habits all over the world have been changing for some time. We watch more video on demand (VOD) and recorded shows taking advantage of the connected home. Even when watching live television, we often pause and make use of a recorded pause-buffer. This phenomenon is often referred to as time-shifting. The ability to […]

July 21, 2016 • 4 min read Data

My Perfect Smart Home…Ideally Wouldn’t Kill Me

My Perfect Smart Home…Ideally Wouldn’t Kill Me

Terminator. The Matrix. i, Robot. 2001: A Space Odyssey. Elysium. Minority Report. The Stepford Wives. Blade Runner. The list goes on and on and on with how we as humans literally create some form of A.I. that is either controlled by us or has some form of sentience – either way the A.I. finds a […]

June 28, 2016 • 5 min read Data

Hold the Laughter: Why the Internet-Connected Refrigerator Is a Great Idea

Hold the Laughter: Why the Internet-Connected Refrigerator Is a Great Idea

The internet-enabled fridge has been the butt of tradeshow bylines for years. LG kicked off the craze in 2000 with the Digital DIOS. It featured video messaging and a way to leave messages for your family. All you needed was a LAN connection: this was the pre-WiFi era. Amazingly, it flopped, but the word intellifridge […]

January 27, 2016 • 3 min read Data