
Microsoft Launches Underwater Data Center: Two Things to Watch

Microsoft Launches Underwater Data Center: Two Things to Watch

Is it Better Down Where it’s Wetter? Earlier this month, Microsoft Research unveiled Project Natick: an ambitious experiment to plant a data center in sea water. The 38,000 pound chamber vessel only contains enough space for around 300 PCs, but full-fledged commercially deployed vessels would invariably contain more room. If it works, the underwater data […]

February 4, 2016 • 3 min read Data

The Big Surprise In Computer Energy Consumption

The Big Surprise In Computer Energy Consumption

The typical gaming computer consumes as much power each year as approximately three refrigerators, according to a study from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The comparison is one of the many eye-opening statistics in a paper written by Nathaniel and Evan Mills on the impact of high-performance PCs on household energy consumption and the steps that […]

September 16, 2015 • 4 min read Data