Search Results for: data innovation bazaar

What is the IoT Data Journey?

What is the IoT Data Journey?

At CompuForum 2020, CheChung Lin shared the journey of IoT data and how to maximize its value through purpose-built data storage. Learn more here.

July 23, 2020 • 5 min read Technology

A Green Start: The Data Center’s Role in Climate Change 

A Green Start: The Data Center’s Role in Climate Change 

Just as factories fueled the growth of the Industrial Revolution, the data center is at the core of the Information Age. Entertainment, public services, and private communications are all stored or mediated by it, and as more users join virtual spaces, the demand for fast and reliable digital services grows.  But, data centers come with […]

February 27, 2024 • 6 min read Data

Accelerate and Optimize Big Data and Hadoop

Accelerate and Optimize Big Data and Hadoop

Organizations trying to embark on the Big Data journey are often confronted with infrastructure challenges. Prasad Venkatachar shares testing results of a new Hadoop solution leveraging Cisco UCS servers and Fusion ioMemory™ from SanDisk.

May 13, 2016 • 9 min read Data

Turn Big Data into Fast Data Using Oracle NoSQL and Fusion ioMemory

Turn Big Data into Fast Data Using Oracle NoSQL and Fusion ioMemory

NoSQL database systems need to be cost effective so they can scale appropriately and deliver a good return on investment. Prasad Venkatachar compares the performance acceleration and consolidation cost benefits of Fusion ioMemory vs. hard disk drives.

October 23, 2015 • 7 min read Data

How Open Innovation Can Free the Data Path

How Open Innovation Can Free the Data Path

A general purpose processor is fine for most servers and mobile phones, but isn’t optimized for the specific requirements created by the rise of Big Data and Fast Data applications. A big data application such as analytics has a very different processing profile that can handle large amounts of data versus a Fast Data application such as autonomous car controls, which requires time-critical processing for smaller amounts of data.

August 6, 2018 • 6 min read Data

Time To Bring Disaster Recovery Into The Cloud Era

Time To Bring Disaster Recovery Into The Cloud Era

Data center infrastructure is transforming now faster than it ever has before. Yet many IT organizations still rely on antiquated single-purpose technology to protect their most valuable resource. Disaster Recovery in the cloud era may not be what you thought it was.

November 16, 2017 • 7 min read Data