
Pause Live TV in a Flash

Pause Live TV in a Flash

Did you watch the big game last week? Hit “pause” on your remote control during a crucial play? Wonder what happens next?

February 15, 2017 • 4 min read Data

Introducing Skyhawk™ NVMe-compliant SSDs from SanDisk® brand

Introducing Skyhawk™ NVMe-compliant SSDs from SanDisk® brand

Meet the Skyhawk NVMe-compliant PCIe SSDs from our SanDisk brand. Skyhawk PCIe SSDs are optimized to give customers the ideal balance of fast and consistent performance, cost-effect storage and Quality of Service (QoS) to address large, unstructured data center workloads for cloud environments.

February 7, 2017 • 4 min read Data

Give the Connected Home an Edge with NAND Flash

Give the Connected Home an Edge with NAND Flash

TV watching habits all over the world have been changing for some time. We watch more video on demand (VOD) and recorded shows taking advantage of the connected home. Even when watching live television, we often pause and make use of a recorded pause-buffer. This phenomenon is often referred to as time-shifting. The ability to […]

July 21, 2016 • 4 min read Data

Flash and the Future of Mobile Devices

Flash and the Future of Mobile Devices

When I think about devices on the edge of the new Internet of Everything (IoE), two words come to mind: “large” and “small.” You might think that “large” touches on the opportunity afforded by this interconnected world or by the amount of data that will be streaming from sources throughout the IoE—and you’d be at […]

May 24, 2016 • 3 min read Data