Digital Signage

What You Missed During Flash Memory Summit

What You Missed During Flash Memory Summit

For being our first show as a unified Western Digital company, I’d call this Flash Memory Summit a success. Here's an overview of what you missed at the event.

August 16, 2016 • 2 min read Data

What’s Driving Your Business? Optimizing Embedded Applications with the new Z400s

What’s Driving Your Business? Optimizing Embedded Applications with the new Z400s

Digital signs and point of sale (POS) kiosks serve as a brand’s public-face, critical touchpoints that should never fade, flicker or turn the entire sign into a wall of blue. Outdoor digital signs are constantly “on” in harsh roadside or remote environments, meaning they need to perform at peak levels, even when they’re running hot due […]

May 26, 2015 • 2 min read Data