Mobile and Tablet

Data Lives Everywhere

Data Lives Everywhere

What do the medical imaging devices and pinball machines have in common? They both have local storage requirements. From 3D images of my own pearly whites or just the high score of the latest Pinball Wizard, more and more devices are relying on solid state drives to safeguard their most important local data. In fact, […]

July 12, 2016 • 3 min read Data

Building the Best Storage Architecture

Building the Best Storage Architecture

I don’t have a single synthetic app on my smartphone.  Not one. I do have a lot of apps on my phone.  Photography apps.  Video apps.  Social media, travel, music, weather, email, news, gaming apps.  Based on the number of apps I use and how full my phone is, I would consider myself a smart […]

March 3, 2015 • 4 min read Data