
The Accelerating Economics of Flash

The Accelerating Economics of Flash

By Brian Cox and Rob Callaghan It is well understood amongst most data center managers and sys admins that flash storage is very fast. Being able to travel at electron speed, the data read or written randomly to flash storage is many thousands times faster than the same access on a mechanical, rotating hard disk […]

June 30, 2015 • 7 min read Data

SanDisk® Powers 5 of the 10 Coolest Flash Products of the Year

SanDisk® Powers 5 of the 10 Coolest Flash Products of the Year

Everybody in the industry is glued to magazine websites at this time of the year to see if any of their products and achievements made it into the year’s end lists. What were remarkable achievements in the industry? Did we stand out? Who were the trendsetters, and what were the products that were making waves […]

December 18, 2014 • 3 min read Data

1200 Virtual Desktops in 3-node All-Flash Virtual SAN (VSAN)

1200 Virtual Desktops in 3-node All-Flash Virtual SAN (VSAN)

As 2015 approaches, I wanted to conclude my last blog of this year by discussing our latest all-flash Virtual SAN (VSAN) testing. and to share some of our plans for next year for VSAN and other areas of virtualization. Before getting into the results of our latest testing, I want to point to several of […]

December 11, 2014 • 4 min read Data