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Which Hadoop Architecture is Right for Me?

Which Hadoop Architecture is Right for Me?

Hadoop technology just turned 10, and has gained tremendous momentum. But some components of the traditional architecture are coming of age, and a new approach to Hadoop architecture is emerging.

July 26, 2016 • 2 min read Data

Flash At the Edge

Flash At the Edge

“2.9 ZB of data stored on edge devices by 2019.” Go ahead, let that sink in for a moment. The Internet of Things has created an influx of data and information that very few were ready for and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Yet this frontier is a new opportunity for mobile […]

July 25, 2016 • 1 min read Data

A New Approach! All-Flash Storage Solution for SAP HANA

A New Approach! All-Flash Storage Solution for SAP HANA

Storage is the cornerstone for persistence in pretty much any and all databases, including those that run in memory. Here’s a tale of three storage methods and how flash memory can revolutionize SAP HANA.

July 25, 2016 • 7 min read Data

Give the Connected Home an Edge with NAND Flash

Give the Connected Home an Edge with NAND Flash

TV watching habits all over the world have been changing for some time. We watch more video on demand (VOD) and recorded shows taking advantage of the connected home. Even when watching live television, we often pause and make use of a recorded pause-buffer. This phenomenon is often referred to as time-shifting. The ability to […]

July 21, 2016 • 4 min read Data

SQL Server Migration: 4 Tips on Where Flash Fits

SQL Server Migration: 4 Tips on Where Flash Fits

Are you considering moving off SQL Server® 2005 or 2008 this year? For those migrating, here are a few SQL Server migration tips to help you evaluate your next steps and determine what flash is most advantageous to your environment.

July 20, 2016 • 6 min read Data

Virtual Reality — Hype or Game Changer?

Virtual Reality — Hype or Game Changer?

For decades, virtual reality has been at the cusp of becoming “the next big thing.” Much like 3D TV, the Segway, Google Glass, and other revolutionary technologies that were supposed to change the way we interacted with and viewed the world, VR tried for so long to gain mainstream adoption and failed. This article shows […]

July 19, 2016 • 4 min read Data