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MIT and Adobe Bring Down the (Image) Noise

MIT and Adobe Bring Down the (Image) Noise

There is no getting away from the fact that smartphones are becoming ever more like pocket computers. They pack substantially more processing power in them than the computers that took man to the moon but there are some areas where all that processing power doesn’t quite match up. One such area is in image processing. […]

December 28, 2015 • 3 min read Data

It’s Time To Integrate Encryption

It’s Time To Integrate Encryption

What's the first step to improving information security? Quit blaming people and focus on enabling technologies like encryption.

December 23, 2015 • 4 min read Data

Yes, Smartphones Were Injured in the Making of This Film

Yes, Smartphones Were Injured in the Making of This Film

It’s not dead! The last two or three years have been a tumultuous time in mobile phone development. First mobile phones didn’t have microSD slots, then they did, then they got rid of it and now it seems the manufacturers have decided to bring them back and the world’s not sure exactly where it stands […]

December 22, 2015 • 3 min read Data

Who Makes the World’s Best Smartphone For Shooting Pictures? It Depends When You Ask

Who Makes the World’s Best Smartphone For Shooting Pictures? It Depends When You Ask

The Sony Xperia Z5 is highest rated camera for photo and video quality. For now. Nicolas Touchard, vice president of marketing and product management at DxO, gave attendees of Future Proof Storage an overview of DxOMark Mobile, the company’s innovative suite of benchmarks for rating video and picture quality on smartphones. If you’re not familiar […]

December 21, 2015 • 3 min read Data

2015: A Year of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure

2015: A Year of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure

It’s been an exciting year for us here at SanDisk® and our technology partners, and I am personally thrilled to see the interest among customers and partners on hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI). When I look back to the initiatives of last year, people were often skeptical about this new technology adoption but this year has shown […]

December 17, 2015 • 5 min read Data

Reuters RAW Rules: Why They Will Change

Reuters RAW Rules: Why They Will Change

Regular readers of the blog will have learned about the latest feature appearing in many smartphones—the ability to shoot RAW images. As we’ve covered before, RAW brings with it many advantages for the photographer and is the most widely used image file type by people serious about their photography. But just last week, news broke […]

December 17, 2015 • 4 min read Data

Google’s Choon Chng Explains Why Computational Photography Is The Future

Google’s Choon Chng Explains Why Computational Photography Is The Future

We can’t defy the laws of physics, but we can sneak around them with computing power. That essentially is the idea behind computational photography, a technique that will increasingly be adopted by mobile phone makers to improve the resolution and performance of their products. “Computing is disrupting optics,” said Choon Chng, an engineering manager at […]

December 16, 2015 • 3 min read Data

A Trillion Pictures: How We Got Here

A Trillion Pictures: How We Got Here

Photographers will snap one trillion digital images this year, according to Josh Haftel, Senior Product Manager for Mobile Photography Solutions at Adobe. Put another way, that’s 83 billion images per month, 114 million per hour or 31,709 per second. A photographer and software developer, Haftel delivered a quick sketch of the history of photography during […]

December 15, 2015 • 3 min read Data

The Most Common Big Data Pitfalls You Should Avoid

The Most Common Big Data Pitfalls You Should Avoid

Big Data strategies often don’t meet objectives due to implementation challenges. So how can you ensure your strategy will be successful? Here are the most common Big Data pitfalls you should avoid:

December 14, 2015 • 5 min read Data