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1200 Virtual Desktops in 3-node All-Flash Virtual SAN (VSAN)

1200 Virtual Desktops in 3-node All-Flash Virtual SAN (VSAN)

As 2015 approaches, I wanted to conclude my last blog of this year by discussing our latest all-flash Virtual SAN (VSAN) testing. and to share some of our plans for next year for VSAN and other areas of virtualization. Before getting into the results of our latest testing, I want to point to several of […]

December 11, 2014 • 4 min read Data

2014 Future Proof Storage Summit

2014 Future Proof Storage Summit

One of the most important developments driving the improved performance of all our latest devices isn’t just the processor inside devices, but the storage and it’s interaction with embedded device systems. Flash memory, in particular, helps to overcome some of the inherent bottlenecks in system designs for tablets, smartphones, PCs and more by allowing the […]

November 13, 2014 • 3 min read Data

SanDisk and Open Source?

SanDisk and Open Source?

Last April, SanDisk® joined the Linux Foundation as a supporter and enabler of the Open Source ecosystem. Many people who I’ve met with have asked me what is SanDisk going to do with Open Source technology? And why is SanDisk interested? Open Source as a Business Strategy For anyone following Open Source technology, this week […]

November 13, 2014 • 3 min read Data

HPC Matters

HPC Matters

HPC Matters is the theme for one of the coolest events I attend each year, Supercomputing. This year’s show in New Orleans, LA, promises to show more innovation, excitement and promise. New Orleans is a wonderful town with incredible food and awesome music. It is a great back drop for this type of conference and […]

November 12, 2014 • 4 min read Data

SanDisk® is Cloudera Certified! Hadoop with Confidence

SanDisk® is Cloudera Certified! Hadoop with Confidence

Within our SanDisk® labs, I conducted a number of experiments with Apache Hadoop and SanDisk flash, mainly our CloudSpeed Ascend SATA Solid State Drives (SSDs). The initial experiments were with standard Hadoop benchmarks, namely the Terasort and the TestDFSIO benchmarks. These benchmarks helped show me how SanDisk SSDs helped boost the performance of the Terasort […]

November 10, 2014 • 3 min read Data

Architecting Storage Solutions

Architecting Storage Solutions

One of the cool things about working at SanDisk is partnering with the world’s top product designers who are building the next generation of smart devices. Whether it’s something you’ll carry, something you’ll wear, something you’ll put in your living room, or car, we are likely involved with designing the storage system. It’s a massive […]

November 6, 2014 • 3 min read Data

Flash-Accelerated Apache HBase

Flash-Accelerated Apache HBase

In today’s hyper-connected world, there is a significant amount of data being collected, and later analyzed to make business decisions. This explosion of data has led to various technologies that can operate on this “Big-Data”, technologies for Big-Data Analytics. Traditional database systems and data warehouses are being augmented with newer scale-out open-source technologies like Apache […]

November 3, 2014 • 4 min read Data

The Emergence of Software-Defined Memory – Accelerating Applications in the World of Flash, DRAM and Persistent Memory

The Emergence of Software-Defined Memory – Accelerating Applications in the World of Flash, DRAM and Persistent Memory

In the past several years our industry has seen the emergence of the “Software-Defined” concept. Where previously resource management, policy, and data management were embedded within hardware products, both Software-Defined Networking and Software-Defined Storage advocated for policies of management to be separated from the hardware components themselves, enabling software to then coordinate access to a […]

October 1, 2014 • 3 min read Data