
Software-Defined Vehicles are Revving Up

Software-Defined Vehicles are Revving Up

As the automotive industry and consumers await fully autonomous vehicles, increasingly software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are evolving. What used to be a mostly mechanical product is becoming progressively more software driven.  An analysis of seven major automakers found that they are each currently allocating 25% to 30% of their R&D budgets to software. This massive amount of software […]

April 17, 2024 • 6 min read Technology

Top IoT Use Cases of 2020

Top IoT Use Cases of 2020

From self-driving vehicles to smartwatches to drones, here are the top IoT use cases in 2020 and how IoT data analytics impacts business intelligence.

December 9, 2019 • 9 min read Technology

The Storage Challenges of Automotive Edge and Smart Driving

The Storage Challenges of Automotive Edge and Smart Driving

Regardless of when and how we’ll get to autonomous driving, one thing is certain — data in cars is growing fast. Here’s a view into challenges of automotive edge and the data infrastructure needed to power the future of smart transportation.

May 9, 2019 • 5 min read Data

Self-Driving Cars: Is it Reckless to Delay?

Self-Driving Cars: Is it Reckless to Delay?

Guest blogger Derek Kerton, Chairman of the Autotech Council of Silicon Valley, shares a compelling perspective on the adoption of self-driving cars. Aside from the wonderment that we get from the notion of a robotic vehicle competently working its way through complicated streets and driving situations, one of the main controversies around self-driving is that […]

August 2, 2018 • 8 min read Data