What Do People Think About SSDs?

What Do People Think About SSDs?

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” In business that means not only understanding competitors and customers, but also being aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your own company and building a global strategy around it. Companies both large and small love to tout themselves as entities […]

January 19, 2016 • 4 min read Data

Enterprise Storage: 6 Predictions for 2016

Enterprise Storage: 6 Predictions for 2016

It’s tough predicting the future, but somehow people always ask me to do just that. Of course, the shorter the time you’re predicting, the easier it gets. So it’s good I’m being asked what my personal take is on enterprise storage and flash in 2016. Next year? I mean – how hard can that be […]

September 28, 2015 • 6 min read Data

The Big Surprise In Computer Energy Consumption

The Big Surprise In Computer Energy Consumption

The typical gaming computer consumes as much power each year as approximately three refrigerators, according to a study from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The comparison is one of the many eye-opening statistics in a paper written by Nathaniel and Evan Mills on the impact of high-performance PCs on household energy consumption and the steps that […]

September 16, 2015 • 4 min read Data

Flash at Scale: Ultra-Value SSDs in Hyperscale Environments

Flash at Scale: Ultra-Value SSDs in Hyperscale Environments

Many IT managers evaluating flash for data center workloads are comparing between all-flash, all-hard drive (HDD) or hybrid (flash and HDD) array options. But flash is not a “one size fits all” solution, particularly not in the case of data center workloads where I/O characteristics and endurance requirements differ between various applications. Enterprise-grade flash solutions, […]

August 3, 2015 • 6 min read Data

What’s Driving Your Business? Optimizing Embedded Applications with the new Z400s

What’s Driving Your Business? Optimizing Embedded Applications with the new Z400s

Digital signs and point of sale (POS) kiosks serve as a brand’s public-face, critical touchpoints that should never fade, flicker or turn the entire sign into a wall of blue. Outdoor digital signs are constantly “on” in harsh roadside or remote environments, meaning they need to perform at peak levels, even when they’re running hot due […]

May 26, 2015 • 2 min read Data

Faster Hadoop Reads and Writes with SanDisk® SSDs

Faster Hadoop Reads and Writes with SanDisk® SSDs

In my first blog post on the SanDisk® ITBlog, I talked about testing the Terasort benchmark using SanDisk CloudSpeed SSDs within an Apache Hadoop data-analytics environment. The blog and the more detailed technical paper that followed talked about the significant performance and TCO benefits that can be achieved by strategically using SSDs within a Big-Data […]

September 11, 2014 • 4 min read Data